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Web Development

Social Website (ReactJs)

(LinkedIn clone build for professional people connect using react libraries)

Project is under work (not completed)

Social Website (ReactJs)

(Website build to connect people to make groups using reactjs library,react-chartjs,etc)

Project is under work (not completed)

Online Classroom (ReactJs)

(Website build to provide online class facility to students using react libraries)

Project is under work (not completed)

Instagram Clone (ReactJs)

(Features-Post images, delete post, including chat app and profile page)

(Using reactjs libraries)

E-Commerce Website

(Website build with multiple pages for login ,signup,add to cart ,payment and also to see different varities of produects.)

Using HTML,CSS,Bootstrap ,Javascript and uses various plugin of Jquery for animations

Online Learning Platform

(Website build like Unacademy,Khan academy,Vedantu ,etc)

Using HTML,CSS,Bootstrap, Javascript and various plugin of Jquery for animation on whole website.

App And Game Development

Mobile App (Doctor's Appointment) - React Native

(A mobile app for taking appointment from doctor's along with hospital management)

Build with React Native along with various library for functionality

Project is under work (not completed)

Shooting Game

(Game to shoot birds by moving on vehicles)

Build with Pygame (library for game development),Pyttxs3 (library for producing sound at the time of playing game.) of Python languages

Advance Mathematics Calculator (for Desktop only)

(Calculator to find value,multiplication & addition of matrix and draw different types graph like Bar graph,pie chart,scatter chat,polar chart etc. )

Develop with various python libraries like tkinter, numpy ,matplotlib etc.